Privacy Policy

At EPOPTIA G.P. our first and foremost priority is protecting your personal data and information, regardless of the manner in which you contact or collaborate with us.

We are constantly working to properly process and store the information you share with us.

This policy applies equally to all-natural or legal persons and companies that cooperate with our company, such as active or former customers, suppliers, employees, or other partners.

We collect and use your information, on our behalf, based on your consent or as prescribed by law.

Personal data refers to any information which is related to an identified or identifiable natural person, either directly or indirectly combined with other information. Some of this information is your online search history (log files, cookies, etc.), your social security number, your physical and email addresses, your name, your landline, and mobile phone numbers, your bank/debit/prepaid card numbers, your email addresses, your VAT Registration Number, evaluation data and any other information which can lead to your unique identification in accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR 2016/679), the applicable Greek Law and the legislative decrees of the Hellenic Data Protection Authority (HDPA).

At EPOPTIA G.P. we foster and invest in collaborative relationships, while greatly appreciating the trust you place in us.


What information we collect and how

According to our way of collaboration, you provide us with direct information such as Name, Surname, VAT Registration Number, personal or corporate email, postal address for issuing an invoice or other legal document, bank account or bank card details for remittance cases and other information relevant to the service we provide. In order to use our services, we guarantee that we will only ask for the minimum personal data necessary and always in accordance with the applicable law.

The above information is collected in the following cases:

  • When you visit our website and request to communicate with us.
  • In demand for DEMO software.
  • Placing an order for our products or services.
  • Through the call center.
  • Through support services.

In addition to the information you provide to us, we may also collect connection information regarding your visit to our website through cookies. Such information pertains to the time and duration of the visit, as well as others stored in cookies.

The company, EPOPTIA G.P., collects and uses your personal data based on the time of use of the offered services and in conjunction with your financial, legal, or other types of cooperation. Always in the context of the applicable law and based on each processing purpose. Afterward, they are destroyed.

Through Third Parties

We may collect information about you or combine it with others provided to us directly, through third parties or social networking companies. Always within the permissible limits set by law.

Indicatively, we collect information that you have published or even given your consent to, from companies such as Google, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram.

Minors and Data Collection Policy

We duly note that in order to perform our services and projects, we do not collect, process, or provide information to individuals under the age of 18.

Transfers of Personal Data to Third parties & Third countries

The company, EPOPTIA G.P., does not transfer or disclose personal data to third parties other than the necessary partners or suppliers to fulfill the company’s business and legal obligations.

The company’s third-party contractors are:

  • Legal advisors
  • Financial and business consultants
  • Epoptia Partners
  • Auditors and accountants

All of the above are bound by data processing agreements and according to the GDPR they are obliged to ensure the confidentiality and protection of such personal data.

The company, EPOPTIA G.P., does not transfer or disclose personal data to third countries.

In any case, the company, EPOPTIA G.P., takes the appropriate organizational and technical measures to store and protect your personal data, always in accordance with the applicable law.

Retention of Personal Data

The company, EPOPTIA G.P., retains and processes the information and data it collects for the duration of the business relationship with any partner and the fulfillment of all legal and other obligations. What is more, through an internal procedure, the company has also appointed the individual in charge of personal data management.

Personal data is deleted in the following cases:

  • Upon your request or objection to the processing, unless there are legal grounds for retaining this data.
  • In case of the removal of your consent, after being processed.
  • In case the data is no longer necessary for the purpose it was originally collected for, or even processed, or do not comply with legal obligations.

Use of Personal Data

We may use or process the data we collect for the purposes specified below:

  • To inform you about services or offers that may interest you.
  • To promote your services and products, provided you have given us your consent, or we are legally covered.
  • For other marketing purposes such as company newsletter, success stories and other promotional activities.
  • To provide codes and passwords for use of our DEMO software or the full ordered version of it.
  • To meet our obligations within the framework of our collaboration.
  • For your registration in our service or on this website.
  • For all actions required to provide software support, such as a knowledge-based platform or remote access.
  • In cases of upgrades, new functions and other actions.

At any given time, you can submit a request for cessation of processing or even retention of your personal data to the email address [email protected]

Subscribe to Newsletter. Rights & Access.

The company, EPOPTIA G.P., is responsible for retaining and processing your personal data, and by subscribing to the list of recipients of the Newsletter, it receives your consent to dispatch informational material regarding the company’s news, new services, offers and products.

The company, EPOPTIA G.P., will not transfer or sell any of your personal data to others for marketing purposes. Your personal data for such purposes will be used solely by the company, EPOPTIA G.P.

Your subscription to the Newsletter and your consent form will take effect in the following manner:

  • Upon written request by the interested parties.
  • By ordering services or products.
  • With DEMO software testing.
  • By submitting an application to our website for further information about the software.

The consent statement is retained for the entire period of time you receive the newsletter and 6 months from the cessation of its subscription.

You maintain the right to withdraw your consent by following the link at the bottom of each newsletter.

You are also entitled to:

  • Access and demand of your data that we retain and process.
  • Processing restriction. By submitting an application, we will no longer process your personal data.
  • Objecting or withdrawing your consent. You will not receive any newsletter from us in the future.
  • Deleting your personal data.

You can exercise these rights by sending an application to email: i[email protected].

Please note that any withdrawal of consent shall not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.

Complaint to the Hellenic Data Protection Authority

If you consider that the processing of your personal data violates the provisions for the protection of personal data, you can file a complaint with the Hellenic Data Protection Authority

Prior to submitting the complaint, you are required to contact us, exercising your above rights in accordance with the GDPR. If we fail to satisfy your requests, or our response is deemed insufficient, you maintain the right to proceed with the complaint to the Hellenic Data Protection Authority

Please contact us for any further queries or clarifications regarding the processing of your personal data and the exercise of your rights

Cookies Policy

Our website, in accordance with the EU E-Privacy Directive 2009/136/EC, uses cookies.

This is achieved without retaining identifiable information from website visitors but for providing a better and more personalized experience.

We use cookies (Google Analytics) so as to:

  • Be informed on the number of our visitors.
  • Monitor the traffic of individual pages.
  • Know the duration of visitation.

The purpose of the above is to improve the content and adapt the website to our visitors’ preferences so that they have a better browsing and search experience.

Website cookies are small text files that are stored in the user’s browser when he visits a website. Small amounts of data such as date and time of the visit and specific pages that were visited are stored in cookies.

By analyzing these data and using cookies we are able to offer a more comprehensive tour experience to the website visitor.

If you do not wish to save cookies, please make sure your browser does not save cookies.

Security and Personal Data Retention

The company, EPOPTIA G.P., is fully aware that the security of your personal data is of the utmost importance and to that end, it has taken the appropriate technical and organizational measures by appointing a data protection officer, training and informing existing personnel and using firewalls and special protection systems.

However, it shall be noted that, as long as the information and data are located on websites and are transmitted all over the Internet, no computer system can be completely secure.

Validity and alterations to Personal Data Protection text

The company, EPOPTIA G.P., issued this policy on 26/06/19 and reserves the right, at its discretion, to periodically enhance or revise it.

In case of alterations or revisions and using our services, provided that such an updated or revised version of our policy has been posted, you automatically agree to the new elements included in the update.

The latest updated version will always be available on our website and we suggest you frequently check the review date for any alterations, so as to be able to see when the privacy policy was last updated.

Date of privacy policy review.

May 01, 2024

See also general & Terms and Conditions here.

Epoptia G.P. will be closed for summer vacations from 03/08/2024 – 20/08/2024
