Digital Job Card: Hassle-free implementation

Read what you need to look out for to secure your business.

First of all, it should be clarified that it is the responsibility & obligation of both the employer and the employee to keep accurate records of the Digital Job Card hits. Below you will see which elements to focus on, so that the implementation of the Digital Job Card is smooth and you do not have to face the risk of audits & fines.

1.Observance of hits during the declared working hours in the Ergani system

More specifically, the strikes must be observed during the hours declared in the Ergani system. Employees must perform the relevant knocks both when arriving and leaving their workplace.

2.Declaration of flexible working hours

After consulting your accountant you can always declare flexible working hours for your employees.

3.Declaration of the accounting method

In consultation with your accountant, you can also declare the accounting method in Ergani. By choosing the accounting method you canby the end of the following month, it will be possible to reporting of all changes in working hours, working time organisation and overtime (at the choice and declaration of the employer).

4. Control by the accountant

Before payroll the accountant should compare the hits & apply the actual employment calendar and then make the necessary changes to ensure you are running your business correctly.

Attention! Knocks should be accurately observed when employees enter & exit their workplace.

In case for individual incidents & with specific justification they did not swipe their Digital Job Card, Plany enables the administrator to register the relevant input/output hit with the justifications provided by the Organi and you can see in the photo.

Plany gives you the ability to view the overall hits of your employees and detect the possibility of error in time. See the photo from the administrator's screen.  

Contact us here to set up the Digital Job Card together.
